(Fall 2015-Spring 2017)
3rd iteration
visit hereThe current iteration of the app, is a a traditional Ruby on Rails app hosted on Heroku, with a PostgreSQL DB. The web app is a portal to access the events that have been data-mined from Eventbrite, ArtCards, NYArtBeat, and Artslant utilizing Nokogiri, which happens every morning at 5am everyday.
The site will show you events that have yet to happen, or started in the last hour in the NYC are within a certian radius of your GPS location (utilzing freegeoip.net), and which meet your cost and type requirements, if supplied.
In classic RoR style I implmented some user-features; like being able to add your own events to the site, saving events, as well as some admin features that only I see; like event frequency analytics, indicators for the # of live events the site can currently bring up in user searches, as well as a cms for seeing all the event in the db currently, to edit/delete events.
The actual design of the site is a replica of the original beta-app site, given that I am not a web designer, but a web developer I decided to leave this aspect alone, but would be interested in updating it one day.
Most recently Spring 2017, I cleaned up the data-scrapping script to pull more events and removed dead-sites it was pulling from, added some more mobile stylings, general documentation/commments, and removed all traces of the old restaurant searching, which existed in the original iteration.
Summer 2014-Fall 2014
1st iteration
This app was origially thought up in summer of 2014, in a Hunter College Summer Senior Thesis class, between Selina Satoko Highstein, Rahul Prithu, Percilla Tran and myself. The original idea for the app;
During the 3 months of the summer, the original web app and iphone app was created. The original web app is still live at: http://idontknow.info/
The original iphone app being incredibly barebones, was never released. In regard to the eating aspect of the app, it consisted of utilizing Google Places API, to find restaurants that fit the users requirements; price, distance from their location and type. And event part of the app we utilzied Eventbrite API, and NYFREECONCERT to show users events that were yet to happen in the NYC area within a certian radius, price cap, and event type supplied by the user.